Esselen Heights Primary School


Great Websites for Primary School

We’ve selected these websites for their ability to engage students and as well as their utility in the classroom.

Our hope is that these content-rich sites can be reliable go-to destinations for your kids all year long. Use them with students from grade RR through the 5th grade to help them pick up new skills and build solid foundations in math, science, and reading.

PBS Kids

Easy access to the high-quality design and extensive resources available from PBS Kids websites.

Math Games

Free access to lots of games and detailed tutorial videos linked to lots of curriculum standards from around the world.

National Geographic Kids

An amazing array of learning resources from a trusted, expert brand.

Read WriteThink

Quality lesson plans go above and beyond the average free site; there's just so much great content to choose from.


Free site offers many interactive features to document, manage, and boost behavior, learning, and parent communication.


It's super customizable, which means you can assign kids the lessons they need to work on most.


Scratch draws students of all types into coding and lays a foundation for future learning. Allows users to create animations on laptop and desktops.


A great fit for teachers looking to develop students' writing and digital citizenship skills through storybook creation.


Great videos and a fun interactive map help kids get oriented to the real-life Met and its artwork.


This safe, simple social network lets kids share their reading success with friends, creating healthy competition and confidence.