Grade R
•the meaning of different kinds of numbers;
•the relationship between different kinds of numbers;
•the relative size of different numbers;
•representation of numbers in various ways; and
•the effect of operating with numbers.
Grade R Maths Work Sheets
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
English Home Language
Children are constantly developing their listening and speaking skills not only in each of the components of Language but also during other subjects. Because listening and speaking are crucial to all learning, it is important that these skills are effectively developed early in a child’s academic life. Hence, in the Foundation Phase, there is time specifically dedicated to the development of these two important skills.
Grade R English Work Sheets
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
Life Skills
The Life Skills subject is aimed at guiding and preparing learners for life . Through Life Skills learners are exposed to
• physical, social, personal, emotional and cognitive development;
• creative and aesthetic skills and knowledge through engaging in dance, music, drama and visual art activities;
• knowledge of personal health and safety;
• understanding of the relationship between people and the environment;
• awareness of social relationships, technological processes and elementary science.
Grade R Life Skills Worksheets
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December